about me: circa 2007

i think.  a lot. 

i dream big.  

i record things in my mind like a movie.  i see color.  close-ups.  thematics.  panoramas.

swimming in the rain is one of my new favorite pasttimes.  to see the drops hit the water and bounce up...it's beautiful.

i get scared of heights.  i kinda like being scared sometimes.

i'm learning that being physically thrown around on a wakeboard is pretty fun, too.  it sorta knocks you back to your senses.  falling usually doesn't hurt as much as you think it will.

if you are talking to me, i am more than likely looking at your mouth or your eyes.  

gossip hurts my heart.

i love it when elliott kisses me on the forehead, and he puts his strong hand along the nape of my neck.  

i love it when i can rest my head on his chest.

my friend michelle is one of the biggest blessings in my life.

my mom and my sisters are more important to me than i can fully explain.

my friend misty deserves a shout-out, too....she inspires me, she challenges me, and most of all...she makes me smile.

i want to knock the whole "true love" thing out of the ballpark.  i strive to do so, everyday.

i can sense a sort of peace that is washing over my life.  it's making me less brash and more humble.  i welcome it with open arms.

travelling.  experiencing things for the first time fuels my soul.

i've been called dark and twisty.  i think they're right.

inspire me.  i'll do my best to return the favor.