Again, and again...

Another friend of mine passed away last week. She was younger than I, by a couple of years - and so thirsty for travel & experience. She'd light up when she spoke of Latin America - and she couldn't contain the joy when describing her latest excursions there.  She spoke beautifully, in three different languages - and, her calm, quiet demeanor always stretched out the canvas of the mind - upon which she'd paint the colorful stories of her love affair with all things Latin and Caribbean.  

She will be missed - but, more importantly, she will be remembered.  For what she valued, and what she shared - for what she stood for - and who she fell in love with.  She'll be remembered - she'll be carried on.

And, so, I'm reminded once again - that the things we spend so much of our time on - like worrying about the mortgage or the electric bill - those aren't the things that endure.

Sharing those experiences - sharing your insight - that is one of the richest gifts you could ever bestow.


I'm so thankful for Miss B - and for the time & the gifts she shared with me.

Hillary BanksComment