Saved by the (recess) Bell

Well....I have to be totally honest - I've been so wrapped up in work, Work, WORK - that I've pretty much neglected everything else: from working out, to taking time to cook healthy meals, to walking Jackie Bear, to spending time with family and friends.  I have been CONSUMED by trying to keep up with the increasing demands of work.  Multiply that with financial concerns, death of a friend and colleague, and you can pretty well predict my approach to difficulties like this: 

I bury myself in work.

I haven't allowed myself "recess" except maybe twice in the past six weeks.  Thus, the lack of posting here on the site!  And, the constant feeling like I was going to burst into tears at any moment.  

I'm not gonna lie : Life has been pretty difficult, as of late.  For a lot of us.  But, I must say...

Even while I work - the idea of recess - of having fun with Life in general, is never far from my mind.  So, no....I haven't taken a regular recess in a while - but, I have decided that it's never to late to reinstate recess into my life.  So, today, I'm going to learn how to use that French Press that I have up in my cabinet - and try to make some coffee at home that kicks Starbucks right to the curb.  THEN, I'm going to write.  Yes, write.  Because writing to me - is like recess.  So, that's how I'll reward myself today - with my espresso strength homemade coffee - and some homespun story writing.


I've decided that going without recess is a terrible thing to do to yourself - and explains why I've been so cranky as of late.


Now, I did do a few neat things these past six weeks:  

I painted a picture.

I went to Alexander Deussen Park and rode bikes with Elliott and Jack.

I drew a cartoon version of Jack.

And, I'm kinda day dreaming of a children's book - featuring the adventures of Jack.  :)

He's so enthusiastic for life and for new experiences - he's an Adventurer!


Let's promise ourselves that we'll allow fun to happen in our lives.  

That we'll honor the "fun" inside each of us - and give it time.

'Cause, frankly....when we aren't taking time to develop that sense of wonder - that sense of humor - 

we kinda tend to be a drag.


Here's to being saved by the recess bell.




Hillary Banks2 Comments