Manic Monday

March came roaring in like a lion - and I've been so crazed with event planning for work - that I haven't had a moment to really stop and just breathe.  Mostly, I think this is a good thing - because the moment I do slow down - I start missing Texas and the life that I had there.  Nights like Sid and Carla's cowboy wedding were things I'll just never be able to forget.  I mean - where else, but Texas, would you get to camp out after a wedding?


Not that there's anything wrong with fact, I kinda love it here - but, there's a few special folks in Texas that I just can't seem to get enough of.  (You know who you are.)

I guess, my life is just like that...making friends - then, moving on.  Because I remember feeling this same way about all my Oklahoma friends, when I moved to Texas.  And, the truth is...the one's that really cared about me - still care.  And, they are still as much a part of my life, now - as they were when I was in Oklahoma.  (I spoke to a couple of you this past weekend, thank goodness!)

So, I take consolation in that, now.  My Texas friends who really care about how I am and what I'm doing - they still call, or email, or text.  Something to say, "I'm thinking about you." 

I'm also coming to accept the fact that some people who I thought would ALWAYS be a part of my life - don't want to be.  Not because of my choice - but their own.  This is a VERY tough pill to swallow.  In fact, I can't swallow it.  I just sorta choke it back down and it sticks in my throat, daily.  Maybe one day soon enough - it'll finally sink in.  (Please, God- if you hear me.)

No one wants to think that there's a person out there who would rather NOT hear from you...and, for some reason with me - it always goes that way for me.  As a matter of fact, I can think of a handful of people who will no longer talk to me in any way , shape or form.  This hurts my heart more than I can explain.  I pray to release the burden of worrying about it - because the truth is, I don't think I'll ever understand how a person can discard another person.  Ah, but, there a lots of people that are capable of doing this.  How do I know?  Because I've been discarded more than I'd like to recount - especially recently.

I guess what I'm saying is: please remember.  Please remember the people who've impacted your life in some positive way.  And, if you're thinking about them - let them know!  Don't discard them - just because they moved - or got a different job - or your relationship evolved from one type to another...

Lonliness is really simple to cure - you just have to step outside of yourself and be there for someone else.  At least, that's what I'm telling myself, nowadays.

So...who are you going to call today - just to say 'hi'?  Go on...your Grandma's been waiting to hear from you...


Hillary Banks1 Comment