Near the Water
Believe it or not, this is the view from my Doctor's office. Just another one of the perks of living near the water.
I've been so busy with work - I guess I just ran my immune system into the ground, because I am very sick today. I went to the doctor, yesterday - and after several needle pricks - and a prescription for an antibiotic - I'm back home and hopefully on the mend. (It doesn't really feel like it, just yet- but, ANY MINUTE now - I just know those antibiotics are going to kick in.)
Being so busy with work - I haven't made time for recess. And, for those of you who are just joining my blog - that's the whole point of this slice of cyber-space: to encourage each of us, as adults to honor ourselves and that enthusiastic inner child - and practice recess each day. Recess can be anything you want it to be - as long as it's what YOU want to do. And, it can be 15 minutes or a whole day - really - beause, who's going to tell you "no" - besides you?
So, I haven't been practicing recess - I've been using the excuse that my work is thrilling enough - that I'm always encountering something new and inspiring. And, it is : but, that's still no reason to flake out on "me" time. So, now that I'm sick and run down from pushing entirely too hard this past month - I am feeling quite passionately about re-instating recess. :) I think my dog, Jack, feels pretty passionately about this, too - because he's constantly looking intently out the window:
So, this weekend, I did spend some time in the ocean - and it's always healing for me. I like to let my senses be completely immersed in the moment. The water clapping into the shore with such a thunderous noise - it was like a thousand people giving a standing ovation. The saltiness of the air - and its' taste on my lips. The grittiness of the sand - massaging my insoles. The silence of diving in underwater - and allowing the tide to wash me around in its dance. I love being near the water - I love spending time in nature. The world is such an amazing place - and too much concrete can tend to dry up my heart - and make it ache.
So, even though - today may not be the day for another beach excursion (since I'm sick and all) - I can go there in my mind - and I've got the entire thing recorded, mentally. Right down to the salt on my lips. And, tomorrow - when my antibiotics kick in...well, who knows - we may just grab the sidewalk chalk and go outside!
What are your plans for recess this week?